November 23rd 2024
Knowers and Lovers was released today and now is available, or can be available, anywhere books are sold: from the big on-line retailers, from local book stores who order it in and from the publisher: Moose House Publications.
November 4th 2024
Today, Knowers and Lovers went off to the printer. I won’t see a copy for a few weeks, but Moose House Publications will accept pre-orders right now and electronic book editions will be available before long also.

The cover was designed by Rebekah Wetmore using a large portion of a recent oil painting by my partner Eva McCauley (
October 1 2024
Lots can happen in ten months!
My second novel, Knowers and Lovers, a sequel to A Ring of Justice (October 2022) is in the final stages of publication, probably coming out in November. Rick Robichaud, his wife Zora Cromwell and their child Bronwyn, now a year older, again are the central characters. It’s a great story that plays out in the forests, fields and sea coasts of Digby County, Nova Scotia, in board rooms in Russia and NATO, and in piracy on the high seas. More deeply, it probes the nature of greed and hubris, contrasts these with friendship and mutual care, and gives the last word to Walt Whitman.
A book of stories co-authored with my late father, Alexander Leighton (1908 – 2007) also is nearing publication. This book defies genre classification such as history, memoir or fiction. It begins with stories written by my father about real people he knew when growing up in Nova Scotia in the 1920s. I extracted and edited these from unpublished writing found among his papers in 2021. To these, I have added stories told in his voice which I extracted from recorded interviews, stories of real people and places we both knew together in the 1950s, and two fictional stories with fictional characters presentative of real people and places. This book will have some sketch illustrations by artist Eva McCauley, and most likely will be published late in 2024.
December 18 2023
Moose House Publications, publisher of my novel A Ring of Justice (October 2022), has produced some audio clips for several of its books, including mine. You can listen to about half of Chapter One of A Ring of Justice here:
In other news, a sequel to A Ring of Justice is well underway.
Also, I am organizing and editing a series of stories about real people and events written by my father late in his life (1908-2007) from memories of his time in Nova Scotia in the 1920s-1950s. Stay tuned.
March 7 2023
I’m starting to hear back from some readers. They have contacted me through the email contact option available on this website. So far, all the news has been good! However, good or bad, all comments are welcome. So, PLEASE send me your thoughts and comments.
26 janvier 2023 – 16h30
Lancement du livre à l’ Université Sainte-Anne, au campus Pointe-de-l’Église
[Book launch at Université Sainte-Anne, Church Point campus, 4:30 pm in Studio GB402, 4th floor, Gustave-Blanche building]
![]() La communauté universitaire est invitée à assister au lancement du livre A Ring of Justice (Moose House Publications), premier roman de Ted Leighton, professeur associé au Département des sciences. L’événement aura lieu le jeudi 26 janvier à 16h30 au Studio GB402 (4e étage du pavillon Gustave-Blanche, campus Pointe-de-l’Église). Le lancement sera l’occasion de rencontrer l’auteur, qui fera une présentation de son roman et qui sera disponible pour une séance de dédicaces. Avec A Ring of Justice, Ted Leighton propose un roman d’enquête dont l’action se déroule dans le village enchanteur de Bear River au sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse. La trame repose sur le désir du personnage, Rick Robichaud, de rétablir certaines vérités qu’on semble vouloir cacher et de rétablir une certaine justice autour de lui. Ted Leighton est un scientifique respecté, un écrivain et un musicien. Il a récemment reçu l’Ordre du Canada pour ses travaux dans les domaines de la médecine vétérinaire et de la santé publique. Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire sur l’auteur et son roman, nous vous invitons à consulter les autres pages de ce cite. Pour plus d’information Rachelle LeBlanc, Directrice des communications et du marketing. Tél. : 902-769-2114, poste 7222 Courriel : ![]() |
November 26 2022
Here I am, flogging my wares at the annual Bear River Craft Fair on November 26th. I sold a book about every 10 minutes until they were all gone at the end of the fair. What a great place to loose my novel into the community that also is the setting of the story and where I live myself!

26 November 2022 – On Sale at the
Bear River Craft Fair, Oakdene Centre, Bear River NS

19 November 2022

I November 2022

Back Cover – Some Pre-publication Reviews

15 October 2022

1 October 2022:
The book cover is ready to go!

15 September 2022
My novel, A Ring of Justice, is very close to publication by Moose House Publications. We’re working on the cover now! I’m looking forward to its release in October or November.